Entering Albums: Press the function button below the camera icon to enter the album interface. Please note that this will pause the current recording.
Selecting Videos or Photos:
Press the corresponding function button to select a folder named for video types.
Choose the video you want to play. Typically, labeled videos are recorded by the rear camera.
If you want to view photos, select and view them in the "Photos" folder.
Time Display: In the video list interface, the time displayed on the upper right corner of the device will indicate the time period or date of the current video.
Switching Between Front and Rear Cameras (if applicable): If your device is equipped with a reversing camera, press the function button below the channel switch icon when playing a video recorded by the front camera to easily switch to the synchronized reversing camera video.
Operations During Video Playback: While watching a video, you can perform operations such as returning, pausing, and deleting.